For all of you heading away for the long weekend – if you were planning on camping at Stapylton, you are going to have to rejig your plans.
Stapylton was partially closed due to some small pieces of cement sheeting containing asbestos being found. Unfortunately, it has just been discovered, most likely due to the recent heavy rains, that there is more spread across the campground. See the official media release below. Please spread the word around and alert anyone you may know who has headed off already intending to camp there. There will be some signage at the park for late arrivals who are not aware. I will keep you all up to date with progress. This is high on the list to now be fixed as soon as possible. Considering this issue is one of public safety and that the process for asbestos removal and care can be involved, I would suggest that patience is required. At least when it has finally been cleared, this issue won’t raise it’s head again in that campground. An unfortunate turn of events and one left over from past guidelines and best practice.
7 June 2013
Stapylton campground closure in the Grampians NP Stapylton Campground in the northern section of the Grampians National Park is currently closed due to in-ground asbestos contamination. Ranger in Charge David Roberts said the area was closed as a precaution for all activities, including camping. “With recent rain and increased visitation to the area there has been some exposure of cement sheeting containing asbestos,” said Mr Roberts. “We are currently working through options to manage the site.”
The cement sheeting pieces came from an old building that was previously situated on part of the Stapylton campground area. “We appreciate the patience of visitors while the area is closed and encourage people to camp in other areas around the park,” said Mr Roberts.
Stapylton Loop Walk and the popular Ngamadjidj Shelter remain open. The Loop walk can be accessed from Millers or Polhners Roads. Troopers Creek, Plantation and Smiths Mill Campgrounds are also available in the Northern Grampians for camping or visit a local Visitor Information Centre for the many private campgrounds surrounding the Grampians National Park.
“There are plenty of other opportunities to get out and enjoy the spectacular Grampians National Park this long weekend and into winter,” said Mr Roberts.
For further information contact Parks Victoria at http://www.parks.vic.gov.au or call 13 1963.