Today is the day people! ClimbForGrampians. All the listed climbing businesses in Victoria and South Australia have come together to help raise funds and awareness around the access work happening for the Grampians. Get on down to one of the gyms or buy yourself something nice.
Today is also the official launch date of the ACCESS IS NO ACCIDENT – CliffCare Education Project.
This is not just about the Grampians. This is about what we need to do as a user group for sustainable climbing into the future in the Grampians or wherever else we may climb. CliffCare would like to extend a huge thanks to all who have been involved in organizing this and the accompanying education campaign launch of posters and workshops and to all the climbers taking part
ACCESS IS NO ACCIDENT. Developed by Tracey Skinner (@CliffCare), Simon Madden & Ross Taylor (@verticallifemag), Florence Seow & Indie Ladan (@northsideboulders), the campaign highlights actions that you can take to minimise your impact as a climber on the environment and help protect your access to crags. Along with the poster launch there will be workshop sessions at a number of gyms on crag etiquette. The workshops have been developed by Florence Seow, they are free and run by volunteers.
For every person who climbs at one of the participating gyms listed below, $5 will be donated to CliffCare.
Show up and show your support!
See below for a list of participating gyms and details. Each participating gym’s in-house event activities may vary. Contact the gym for further details.
Participating Venues: Adelaide’s Bouldering Club
Bayside Rock
Bogong Equipment*
Cliffhanger Indoor Rock Climbing Gym
Climbing Anchors*
Gravity Worx
Hardrock Climbing
The Lactic Factory
Northside Boulders
North Walls Indoor Climbing
The Rock Adventure Centre
Urban Climb Collingwood
The Wilderness Shop*
9 Degrees Lane Cove *Participating retailers donating %10 of retail sales revenue.