Hi All,
This is actually half of the last monthly access report. Had already posted the other half in the last post on Rosea and Bundaleer.
Black Hill is seeing much more traffic these days so it is inevitable that the climbers impact will need to be watched and managed. For the most part a small crew of regulars do keep an eye on it and shore up any sections that look like they need stabilizing. Recently though a section required a little more manpower than the usual two so in a small gully section near the route Milawa, some subtle stone steps were put in place. I would imagine that extra bits of work will take place over the next few years as there are a couple of other sections that could benefit from a little stabilizing.
For climbers to the area, and to any area in fact, try to stick to the rocky sections on steeper tracks wherever possible. And if you notice any of our climbers access tracks becoming worse for wear, drop me line and I can see what we can do. Having said that, if you can see that a few wel l placed rocks here and there will help control the situation make the effort. Secondary tracks starting up next to already existing tracks is also a problem this will eventually cause loss of vegetation between the two as the erosion spreads over a larger area.
Placing some large branches/brush on the newly developing track will hopefully deter those who are just absent mindedly walking along wherever a track seems to appear. And this is how many of the tracks will start. If you do see a large collection of branches that are lying across tracks have a quick look around. You will most likely see another track – the proper one. As climbers access tracks, for the most part are kept as subtle as possible, sometimes you need to take a little time to assess your surroundings and possibly look at your guide or maps again. All of these small steps help a great deal in preventing extra work, extra impact and in the long run, continued trouble free access for climbers. It really is a no brainer.