Packing it Out
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage
Packing it Out
Some Tips for Leaving No Trace
We always advise having an empty bag or container in the pack specifically for waste when heading out.
Rubbish is not limited to your own - the best crag stewards will carry out all litter they find in the outdoors. Every bit counts!
All food waste such as banana peels, orange peels, apple cores, etc. should be carried out. Native animals will find and consume these items, upsetting their natural diet, causing illness and affecting behavior.

Micro litter such as tape fragments, rope labels, etc. can easily be overlooked.
We always recommend double checking your site for rubbish before leaving.
Use best practice for human waste disposal.
Stashed pads and gear on public lands is not a good look, help preserve access for the larger community by avoiding this practice.
Sometimes we accidentally leave something behind at the crag, it's usually obvious if this is the case. If you think this may have happened, carry it out and find a way to return it to them.

"How Long Will it Last" graphic: Access Fund

Clean Up Australia Day
For several years, CliffCare has participated in Clean Up Australia Day (first Sunday of March) around our climbing environments, including Mount Arapiles/Djurite and The Grampians/Gariwerd.
Climbers who are qualified guides have also been enlisted to abseil from popular tourist spots in the Grampians such as The Pinnacles to clean up massive loads of rubbish at their base.
Let us know if you would like to participate in the next event!