Packing it Out
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage
Camping is part of the overall climbing experience, particularly here in Victoria where the best climbing is an average 4 - 5 hours from Melbourne! Make sure you're aware of some of the local rules for each area.
Essential Skills
We love campfires, but they are prohibited in State and National Parks to official campground fireplaces only.
Know where you will camp in advance, and book your site if in an official campground.
Check local campground rules. At Arapiles, firewood collection is prohibited within the park - BYO.
Always pay campground fees. The climbing community has fought hard to keep the cost low at Mount Arapiles, we should honour this agreement by always paying.
Bush camping - check with Parks Victoria where bush camping is allowed (see documents below), and if so, only camp in previously cleared areas.
Leave no trace of your visit, packing out all of your waste and properly burying or removing human waste.
When bush camping, camp at least 25 metres from waterways and 1km from official campgrounds.

Fires in designated metal rings only.

Do not drive over vegetation or park on edges of bush, over time it increases the size of the clearing and further compacts the ground.
Keep wildlife wild - never feed native animals or leave out food for them to scavenge.
Always observe Total Fire Bans.
Fires must not be lit anywhere near rock faces - use provided fireplaces only.